Comments on: Valentine’s, Schmalentines! Romance Takes a Back Seat in The 25 Most Wanted is the Kindle book lending and borrowing community. Thu, 10 Feb 2011 17:43:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Catherine Tue, 08 Feb 2011 16:02:36 +0000 In reply to Rick.

That’s interesting feedback on the invites delays … I think Amazon must be working hard to smooth out the edges on the process.

By: Rick Tue, 08 Feb 2011 15:59:49 +0000 In reply to Catherine.

Yeah a few more features by Amazon would be great.

It also seems like Amazon is either having issues or delays sending the invites. A few personal loans i have sent didn’t show up for a few days. My profile also shows that a book has been lent to me but i don’t have any requests as of yet and I have white-listed and check the spam folder.

Oh well, it will get better.

By: Catherine Tue, 08 Feb 2011 11:19:26 +0000 Hi Rick and thecolor: I agree, it’s super frustrating when a loaned book is not accepted by the borrower. We are working hard on getting the message out to people about whitelisting. Unfortunately, Amazon doesn’t provide a way for a user to decline a loan or send a message about why they are not accepting – it would be nice to see that functionality. That part of the lending/borrowing process takes place on Amazon’s platform and it is out of our hands.

By: Amy Tue, 08 Feb 2011 03:55:15 +0000 Great idea! However, I think you have a supply & demand problem. Here are some thoughts to fix (which I also posted on my blog):
1. Create a rule that you cannot borrow until you lend.
2. Give “credits” for lending based on popularity and / or price of book. Remove credits when borrowing in the same way.
3. Sort available books into categories for easier browsing.

Good luck! Amy

By: Jenna Tue, 08 Feb 2011 01:38:14 +0000 In reply to Rick.

You can loan it to me! I have been waiting for three weeks and no one has loaned it to me 🙁

By: thecolor Tue, 08 Feb 2011 00:50:04 +0000 In reply to Rick.

I agree with @Rick, there should be a few take back rules allowed… e.g. “I’ve read it, thanks”, “I changed my mind”, “I bought it – couldn’t wait”, “lent to me in error”, etc.

Accidents take time and or the entire lend away from others. If the book is lent and it needs to be returned for a re-lend to someone who actually wanted or could use it, there should be a way to take it or send it back with no problems or questions asked.

By: Rick Mon, 07 Feb 2011 23:12:33 +0000 I have tried to loan the hunger games 3 (and the other 2 in the trilogy 2 times each) times now. It’s very frustrating. I don’t know if people are not whitelisting or not declining the loan if they already receive it. I also wish amazon let you revoke an invitation instead of waiting the 7 days.
