Archive for August 2012
Free Classic: The World’s Greatest Books – Volume 19 – Travel and Adventure
Every Friday, Marilyn Knapp Litt, who blogs at, brings us her recommendation of a free classic book to discover (or rediscover) on Kindle. Find more of Marilyn’s recommendations at her blog,, a guide to the best free and inexpensive classic literature for the Kindle. You can also get Marilyn’s blog on Kindle and I recommend that you “Like” the Classic Kindle Facebook page as well so you don’t miss anything. Here’s Marilyn’s post:
Here is a selection from travel memoirs with the unwieldy title of The World’s Greatest Books – Volume 19 – Travel and Adventure
Here is a selection from travel memoirs with the unwieldy title of World’s Greatest Books — Volume 19 — Travel and Adventure. It was edited in MCMX! I find a book of excerpts is a handy thing to have on your Kindle. It is a change of pace and you may want a shorter piece to read than a book.
The chapters, each from a different memoir, are hyperlinked. I know some people do not want a book without hyperlinks- but I do not use the hyperlinks. I let Kindle bookmark my place and I forward through if I don’t like a writer.
Some names are familiar, Dickens, Darwin and Cook. Kinglake is included. There is an excerpt from Eothen, arguably the best travel book ever written, ” distinguished for its refined style and delightful humour.”
“At Semlin I was still encompassed by the scenes and sounds of familiar life, yet whenever I chose to look southward I saw the Ottoman fortress—austere, and darkly impending high over the vale of the Danube—historic Belgrade. I had come to the end of wheel-going Europe, and now my eyes would see the splendour and havoc of the East. We managed the work of departure from Semlin with nearly as much solemnity as if we had been departing this life. The plague was supposed to be raging in the Ottoman Empire, and we were asked by our Semlin friends if we were perfectly certain that we had wound up all our affairs in Christendom.”
Not what you read in a travel memoir today!
Here is an account of traveling light, circa 1813:
“I carried with me nothing but my gun, sabre, and pistol, a provision bag, and a woollen mantle, which served either for a carpet or a covering during the night. I was dressed in the blue gown of the merchants of Upper Egypt. After estimating the expense I was likely to incur in Nubia, I put eight Spanish dollars into my purse in conformity with the principle I have consistently acted upon during my travels—viz., that the less the traveller spends while on the march, and the less money he carries with him, the less likely are his travelling projects to miscarry.”
Happy Trails!
It was edited in MCMX!
Today’s Kindle Daily Deal — Friday, August 31 – Save 79% on Sharon Sala’s Compelling Novel of Abuse and Survival, The Boarding House ; Kindle Daily Kids Deal — Save 57% on Keith Graves’ Hilarious Picture Book Frank Was a Monster Who Wanted to Dance; plus …Cait Lavender’s Hunter Moon (Today’s Sponsor)
But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor
Hunter Moon (Lupine Moon Series)
Here’s the set-up:
and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!
Award-winning author Sharon Sala brings emotional intensity to her unforgettable novel that follows Ellie Wayne, a young woman damaged by a sexually abusive father and mentally fragile mother. Ellie believes her future holds only danger and shame, but one man might be able to help her hope for something more.
Today’s Kindle Daily Deal — Thursday, August 30, – Save 77% on Margaret Leroy’s WW II Love Story The Soldier’s Wife ; Kindle Daily Kids Deal — Save 67% on Laura Whitcomb’s Ghostly Love Story for Grades 9 and Up A Certain Slant of Light; plus …James W. Lewis’ Premature Eradication (Today’s Sponsor)
But first, a word from … Today’s Sponsor
Premature Eradication – Prequel (Part 1)
Here’s the set-up:
Way too often, the fire flickers out in a relationship. Many men become lazy, striving to get quick-draw, “drive-by” satisfaction from their partners. That leaves wives and girlfriends frustrated and wide awake, while their male companions lay satisfied and meeting the Sandman within minutes. Just another uneventful night of “dip, dive, and doze” that has become the routine.
Robert Johnson is no different with Tosha, his wife of five years. The marathons of the past have long become 50-yard sprints. When introduced to a new pill called Erectz, the mindless humping doesn’t improve; they just become more frequent. Fed up with the “male species,” Tosha bands together with other like-minded women to expose men for what they really are—vile, selfish, lazy, and completely unnecessary. But they are good for one thing.
Premature Eradication is a two-part suspense series that has a unique spin on the age-old tale of a woman scorned, and a man unknowingly chosen to endure the greatest of all nightmares. As the saying goes, “when a woman’s fed up, there ain’t nothin’ you can do about it” … except run.
From the reviewers:
Intriguing and a good read. I really loved the story, the plot twists had me on the edge of my seat. All I kept thinking is, this should be a movie. I can’t wait for part 2, I recommend this story to my friends. The author made the story flow into a chilling and sci-fi story with the reader feeling for both of the main characters. – Queen77
Although a short story, James W. Lewis manages to pack a quick and unsuspecting punch. The short story begins a little more graphic than I would have liked; however, it eventually plays into the rest of the storyline. There’s sex, suspense and a little sci-fi action all thrown into thirty-two pages. – “cam21″
Although I write romance, I love to read sci-fi. Lewis’ story was excellent. Very strong writing. Lots of action that was easily visualized. I finished the story in one sitting, partly because it was short, and partly because I was so intrigued by the premise. Lewis calls it a ‘prequel.’ I don’t know what that means exactly, but if the story will become a novel, I’ll be one of the first to purchase. – Evelyn Palfrey
and now … Today’s Kindle Daily Deal!
As World War II closes on the small island of Guernsey, Vivienne faces sacrifices for her two young daughters, her mother-in-law, and herself. While her husband is off fighting the Nazis, Vivienne begins an unexpected love affair with a German soldier, greatly intensifying her struggle to keep her family safe.
For the first time in 130 years Helen feels someone’s eyes looking at her, and it’s a boy sitting in the high school classroom she haunts. The unlikely lovers learn how to be together, discovering the secrets of their former lives and the lives of the young people they possess.