by Adrienne Giordano, Mary Jo Briscione
4.7 Stars – 43 Reviews
Kindle Price: $0.99
Lending: Enabled
Text-To-Speech: Enabled
Here's the set up:
As a junior reporter ostracized by her coworkers and community in North Dakota, RaeLynn Demming has something to prove. A decades-old arson that killed over one hundred people on the island of La Paradisio might be her career-saving story, but she needs cooperation from Rose Trudeau, Hollywood socialite and survivor of the legendary Grande Hotel fire.Rose understands loss. For thirty years, she’s refused to discuss the Grande tragedy and still mourns her closest friend who perished in the blaze.
Into The Fire: A Thrilling Murder Suspense Mystery
by Adrienne Giordano and Mary Jo Briscione