Some Cool New Features!

It seems like this has been a long time coming, even though we launched just over two months ago, but today’s the day! Check out these new features that will making browsing and using even more enjoyable …

Browsing by Genre: You’ll notice that there’s a dropdown menu above the eBook of the Day in the right-hand column of inside pages. If you would like to suggest a genre we have missed, please email us at To see how neat it is to browse by genre, check out Bestselling, Romance, Non Fiction, Business & Investing or Young Adult & Children.

No More Book Overwhelm: Go to your profile page to set the maximum number of book loans you would like to receive each week. Right now, the default is one loan per week. You can set it to No Books (this pauses loans) up to three books max per week. You may or may not receive your max number of loans in any given week, but you will not receive more than your max.  Click here for a screen capture video that shows exactly how to change your maximum books on the profile page.

Unlimited Borrow Requests: Say goodbye to our five-per-day limit.  Request as many books as you like (think of your list of requested books as a Netflix queue for book loans).

Read It Today Category: The Read It Today category features the books that are in greatest supply. If you’re fresh out of reading material and want to get a new book loan today, this is your category.

Stay Posted With Twitter: Follow @blfeed to get real-time automatic updates about borrow requests and new books as they become available  (our regular, chatty Twitter feed is @booklending).

No More Blushing: Last, but not least, the erotica books have their own Erotica category [NSFW] now and they have been filtered off the non-erotica pages.  Our software is doing this filtering automatically with about 95% accuracy – if you see anything that has been miscategorized, let us know at and we’ll fix it.

8 Responses to “Some Cool New Features!”

  • This is ALL great news. I can now recommend this site to younger people.

  • Lygia SMith:

    Nice, very happy with these new features. will try them out.

  • Katxena:

    When you browse by genre, are you seeing books that other members have offered to loan? Or are you seeing books of that genre listed at Amazon?

  • Catherine:

    The browse-by-genre books are lendable Kindle books in order of popularity at Amazon, most of which have lenders right now and some that may not, but you can request to borrow any of them and our system will keep track of your borrow request and match you with a lender as soon as possible.

  • MCO:

    Thank you for all the new features. They are really helpful. Just one thing… the current label for the setting where I can set the maximum number of book loans I would like to receive each week is confusing. I think it would be less confusing if it was labeled “Maximum number of books you would like to loan per week” instead of “Maximum number of books you would like to borrow per week”.

  • What day do you begin a new week for the max number of books to borrow?

    How do you know that someone has reached the max number of books for the week? Is it based on offers MADE to me or on my ACCEPTANCE of the books? Sometimes I don’t get an email about a loan made to me and I don’t want that to count against me.

    What happens to me and my current book waiting list status once I have reached my max? Am I made invisible to book loaners?

    P.S. I like the wording for the max books I want to borrow per week. Noone wants a limit on the amount of books they can loan out. :o)

  • Lol. And where are you that you area 4 hours ahead of me, especially since I am on the east coast? It is only 2:52 pm here.

  • Catherine:

    Hi Christi 🙂 The time setting on the blog was off, thanks for the heads up! The 1-week period for max borrows is always a trailing one week, so it’s based on how many books you have borrowed in the most recent 7 days. It can only be based on when a lender confirms that they have loaned you a book (since we can’t see “inside” Amazon’s system) but if you can use the “not received” link on your profile page to report that you did not receive the book. And you’re right, once you’re maxed out, you’re invisible to lenders until you are no longer maxed. Hope that helps!
