Free Classics
Free Classics: The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim
Every Friday, Marilyn Knapp Litt, who blogs at, brings us her recommendation of a free classic book to discover (or rediscover) on Kindle. Find more of Marilyn’s recommendations at her blog,, a guide to the best free and inexpensive classic literature for the Kindle. You can also get Marilyn’s blog on Kindle and I recommend that you “Like” the Classic Kindle Facebook page as well so you don’t miss anything. Here’s Marilyn’s post:
“Enchanted April” is a lovely 1922 novel by Elizabeth Von Arnim. It was made into a wonderful movie in 1992. The plot is very appealing. A woman sees a classified ad for a castle on the coast in Italy for rent.
Not for her were mediaeval castles, even those that are specially described as small. Not for her the shores in April of the Mediterranean, and the wisteria and sunshine. Such delights were only for the rich. Yet the advertisement had been addressed to persons who appreciate these things, so that it had been, anyhow addressed too to her, for she certainly appreciated them; more than anybody knew; more than she had ever told. But she was poor.
She needs this getaway, but can’t afford it, so she recruits three women she has never met to share expenses. Of course, great fun, conflict and romance ensue. (Where there are four women in a castle, there will also be bachelors . . .)
The two men opened their umbrellas for them and handed them to them. From this they received a faint encouragement, because they could not believe that if these men were wicked they would pause to open umbrellas. The man with the lantern then made signs to them to follow him, talking loud and quickly, and Beppo, they noticed, remained behind. Ought they to pay him? Not, they thought, if they were going to be robbed and perhaps murdered. Surely on such an occasion one did not pay. Besides, he had not after all brought them to San Salvatore.
Have no fear! The ladies will survive and thrive under the blue Italian sky. Chick lit was alive and well in 1922!
Click here to get your free copy of The Enchanted April by Elizabeth von Arnim >>>
Free Classic: The Compleat Angler by Izaac Walton
Every Friday, Marilyn Knapp Litt, who blogs at, brings us her recommendation of a free classic book to discover (or rediscover) on Kindle. Find more of Marilyn’s recommendations at her blog,, a guide to the best free and inexpensive classic literature for the Kindle. You can also get Marilyn’s blog on Kindle and I recommend that you “Like” the Classic Kindle Facebook page as well so you don’t miss anything. Here’s Marilyn’s post:
It may be too hot to fish, but it is not too hot to read about fishing! But then The Compleat Angler: or, The Contemplative Man’s Recreation by Izaac Walton is really no more about fishing than . . . well, fishing is about fishing.
Let me turn to those ever dependable Amazon reviewers for a description:
“Three hundred fifty years ago Izaak Walton wrote of the curious blend of inner peace and giddy excitement which the amateur naturalist finds at streamside. He invites us to stroll with him through the countryside, discussing the mythology, superstition, and the science of England’s aquatic fauna. It is an unrushed journey, though we often arise at sunrise, and the author introduces us to many of the local inhabitants.”
“– an enduring cult classic having no exact parallel in world literature.”
And I am especially charmed by a review from Korea . . .
“I’m flyfisher in Korea. I think there is no necessity for talking about this book. Because this is so famous book to fishermans, as you know.”
But what does the author say?
And as I have told you that Sir Francis Bacon observes, the age of a Salmon exceeds not ten years; so let me next tell you, that his growth is very sudden: it is said that after he is got into the sea, he becomes, from a Samlet not so big as a Gudgeon, to be a Salmon, in as short a time as a gosling becomes to be a goose. Much of this has been observed, by tying a riband, or some known tape or thread, in the tail of some young Salmons which have been taken in weirs as they have swimmed towards the salt water; and then by taking a part of them again, with the known mark, at the same place, at their return from the sea, which is usually about six months after; and the like experiment hath been tried upon young swallows, who have, after six months’ absence, been observed to return to the same chimney, there to make their nests and habitations for the summer following; which has inclined many to think, that every Salmon usually returns to the same river in which it was bred, as young pigeons taken out of the same dovecote have also been observed to do.
Hmm, I did not know salmon grew so fast. My Koi certainly grow slowly!
Click here to get your free copy of The Compleat Angler by Izaac Walton >>>
Free Classic: The Crossing by Winston Churchill
Every Friday, Marilyn Knapp Litt, who blogs at, brings us her recommendation of a free classic book to discover (or rediscover) on Kindle. Find more of Marilyn’s recommendations at her blog,, a guide to the best free and inexpensive classic literature for the Kindle. You can also get Marilyn’s blog on Kindle and I recommend that you “Like” the Classic Kindle Facebook page as well so you don’t miss anything. Here’s Marilyn’s post:
Think historical novels are something new?
I was born under the Blue Ridge, and under that side which is blue in the evening light, in a wild land of game and forest and rushing waters. There, on the borders of a creek that runs into the Yadkin River, in a cabin that was chinked with red mud, I came into the world a subject of King George the Third, in that part of his realm known as the province of North Carolina.
That is from a 1904 novel by Winston Churchill, a bestselling American novelist, who was 100 years closer to the time of King George than we are today!
[There is a chase to capture a bad guy named Cameron.]
“We’re to scalp the redskins and Cameron . . .”
“Cameron!” shrieked the gentleman. “But that’s the other side, man! Against his Majesty?”
“One side or t’other,” said my father, “’tis all one against Alec Cameron.
” The gentleman looked at my father with something like terror in his eyes. “You’ll never forgive Cameron,” he said.
“I’ll no forgive anybody who does me a wrong,” said my father.
Ahh, a vendetta. As well as the complications of choosing up sides for the coming American Revolution! No wonder this was a popular novel!
Click here to get your free copy of The Crossing by Winston Churchill >>>