Free Classics: Of Human Bondage by Somerset Maugham

Every Friday, Marilyn Knapp Litt, who blogs at, brings us her recommendation of a free classic book to discover (or rediscover) on Kindle. Find more of Marilyn’s recommendations at her blog,, a guide to the best free and inexpensive classic literature for the Kindle. You can also get Marilyn’s blog on Kindle and I recommend that you “Like” the Classic Kindle Facebook page as well so you don’t miss anything. Here’s Marilyn’s post:

Of Human Bondage is a 1915 novel by Somerset Maugham. About 20 years ago, someone rewrote it and sold it as their own and got caught very quickly for plagiarism, because this is Maugham’s masterpiece and has not been forgotten.
So you are lucky to be able to pick up this writing gem for free.

“His mother was my greatest friend. I can’t bear to think that she’s dead.”
“You oughtn’t to have gone to the funeral, Henrietta,” said her sister. “I knew it would upset you.”
Then one of the strangers spoke. “Poor little boy, it’s dreadful to think of him quite alone in the world. I see he limps.”
“Yes, he’s got a club-foot. It was such a grief to his mother.”

Our hero is an almost penniless orphan sent to live with people who are not used to dealing with children.

The chair was much too low for Philip, and for a moment neither Mr. Carey nor his wife knew what to do.
“I’ll put some books under him,” said Mary Ann.
She took from the top of the harmonium the large Bible and the prayer-book from which the Vicar was accustomed to read prayers, and put them on Philip’s chair.
“Oh, William, he can’t sit on the Bible,” said Mrs. Carey, in a shocked tone. “Couldn’t you get him some books out of the study?”
Mr. Carey considered the question for an instant.
“I don’t think it matters this once if you put the prayer-book on the top, Mary Ann,” he said. “The book of Common Prayer is the composition of men like ourselves. It has no claim to divine authorship.”
“I hadn’t thought of that, William,” said Aunt Louisa.

Apparently this is a somewhat autobiographical novel . . .what a strange story.

Click here to pick up your free copy of ‘Of Human Bondage’ by Somerset Maugham >>>

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